Monday, June 16, 2008

The 11th Hour

Official web site

This movie is about environmentalism and is presented by Leonardo Dicaprio.

The description of this film below is quoted from Wikipedia:

"With contributions from over 50 of the world's most prominent thinkers and activists, including former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, physicist Stephen Hawking, Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, and journalist Paul Hawken, the film documents the grave problems facing the planet's life systems. Global warming, deforestation, mass species extinction, and depletion of the oceans' habitats are all addressed. The film's premise is that the future of humanity is in jeopardy.

The film offers hope and potential solutions to these problems by calling for restorative action by the reshaping and rethinking of global human activity through technology, social responsibility and conservation. Scientists and environmental advocates such as David Orr, David Suzuki, and Gloria Flora paint a portrait for a radically new and different future in which it is not humanity's intent to dominate the planet's life systems, but to mimic and coexist with them."

Well, if you asked me about my opinions about this documentary, i will say it is a very educational show on environmentalism. I have watched this show myself today and i say i have no regrets watching this show. I hope you guys can spread the word to other people to watch this documentary.

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